"Japan Heritage" gets more attention with brand construction
In the previous “Onomichi / Cultural Journey”, I introduced the content that “Onomichi, a medieval city spun by Onomichi Suido, is a Japanese heritage site.” Until recently, I didn’t know that Onomichi was designated as a Japanese heritage site. Rather, it was equivalent to having no knowledge of Japan Heritage.
「国境の島 壱岐・対馬・五島~古代からの架け橋~」というストーリーで認定されたのが長崎県壱岐島である。
So, I did a little research on “Japan Heritage”, though I was late. Japan Heritage is under the jurisdiction of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and was established in April 2015 for the purpose of valuing and protecting all tangible and intangible cultural properties inherited in the region. As the first of these, Iki Island, Nagasaki Prefecture was certified in the story of “Iki, Tsushima, Goto, the border islands-a bridge from ancient times”. Onomichi was certified as a “box garden city from the Middle Ages spun by Onomichi Suido” in 2017, and 108 places nationwide are currently registered as Japan Heritage.
「日本遺産(Japan Heritage)」は地域の歴史的魅力や特色を通じて我が国の文化・伝統を語るストーリーを
According to the website of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, “Japan Heritage” certifies stories that tell the culture and traditions of Japan through the historical charm and characteristics of the region as “Japan Heritage”. It is written that. The biggest factor to be recognized is that it is indispensable to talk about the area, that is, a story suitable for various attractive tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The purpose is to revitalize the region by comprehensively developing and utilizing the various cultural property groups mainly by the region and strategically disseminating them not only in Japan but also overseas. It was written.
Japan Heritage seems to be the Japanese version of World Heritage, but it seems a little different. The difference is that both World Heritage registration and cultural property designation are aimed at valuing the registered and designated cultural properties (cultural heritage) and ensuring protection. On the other hand, Japan Heritage seems to be different in that it aims to revitalize the region by utilizing the heritage scattered in the region as a “face”. For certification, the historical and cultural story of the area (face) is the key to certification. The story is defined as the content based on the following matters.
・A story based on traditions and customs that are rooted in the local climate and have been passed down from generation to generation.
・The core of the story is the cultural assets that are inherited and preserved rooted in the region, such as buildings, archaeological sites, scenic spots, and festivals, with a clear theme to be transmitted as the charm of the region. Being installed.
・It is not just an explanation of the history of the region and the value of cultural properties. Etc. seems to be a major premise of certification.
By being certified as a Japan Heritage, the area will contribute significantly to the value of the brand as “Japan Heritage” externally. Needless to say, this will strengthen the ability to transmit to the outside. The biggest thing is that the concept story of the area will be clarified, which will definitely lead to raising the awareness of the people in the area.
However, it does not seem that “Japan Heritage” has been established as a brand as high quality. Expanding Japan’s cultural heritage, which is a treasure trove of historical culture, to children who will lead the next generation in Japan must seem to be the most important thing.
リポート/ 渡邉雄二 写真 / 栗山主税・渡邉雄二 Reported by Yuji Watanabe Photo by Chikara Kuriyama