震災、そして戦争。無残にも命が奪い取られる Earthquake and war. Life is brutally taken away





When I look at the sea, I hear the gentle sound of the waves.

A pleasant breeze passes through my body.

Occasionally, something like unimaginable natural wrath strikes.



11 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The direct death toll from the earthquake was 15,900. It is said that 2523 people are still missing. Life was brutally taken away. This can happen in reality. Ten years have passed since then. Never again, I just pray that this will never happen!




At such times, Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine was caused by human greed. In war, people kill people. Things that shouldn’t be done are being done. The dignity of human life should be far greater than the dignity of the people that must be protected. Since not everything has been able to settle the past, will shallow things be repeated now and in the future.




Today, the 11th year of the earthquake, we prayed for the souls of those who died silently and those who were missing and joined hands. The expression of sadness of the Ukrainians came to my mind with care.

May the war end as soon as possible and you can feel the gentle sounds and winds!



リポート/ 渡邉雄二 写真/ 栗山主税(尾道出身のカメラマン) ・奇跡の一本松はフリー画像より転載  Reported by Yuji Watanabe  Photos by Chikara Kuriyama
